19 September 2017
During a routine inspection
At the time of our inspection, the service did not have a registered manager in place. The previously registered manager had recently de-registered with the CQC, and the new manager was in the processing of applying for registration with the CQC. A registered manager (manager) is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
The feedback we received from people using the service and their relatives was very positive. People told us they were very satisfied with the standards of care and support they received. They described how they enjoyed good working relationships with care staff and they were treated with dignity and respect.
People were supported in their own homes by well-trained staff that were able to meet people’s needs safely. Staff were appropriately and robustly recruited to check their suitability. There was sufficient staffing capacity to ensure people received safe, consistent care.
Good support was given to people to maintain their health and, where needed, to meet their dietary requirements. There were good working relationships developed with health and social care professional to meet these needs. Suitable arrangements were made to safely assist people in taking their prescribed medicines. However, we noted that medicine records were not always completed correctly, and have made a recommendation about improvements needed to medicine records.
People received person centred care in line with their individual needs and preferences. Care planning was focused on the wellbeing of the individual, how they preferred to be supported and the outcomes they wished to achieve. There was a clear commitment to support people in a way that promoted their independence.
We found the service had established effective systems to protect people from abuse and respond to any safeguarding concerns. Risks to personal safety had been assessed and measures were in place to prevent people from being harmed.
The registered provider had a procedure for receiving and managing complaints. The new manager and provider demonstrated a good understanding of the importance of effective quality assurance systems in promoting the quality of the service. The new manager promoted an open, inclusive culture and provided leadership to the staff team. Staff were proud to work for the organisation.