18 August 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Henleigh Hall Care Home is a purpose-built nursing home that provides care for up to 62 older people, across three units named, Porter, Rivelin and Loxley. The home provides accommodation, personal care and nursing care.
We found the following examples of good practice.
• The provider went into early lockdown and preparations around infection prevention and control were made in advance of and escalation in the spread of COVID– 19.
• All visitors are asked to complete a visitor’s declaration form which includes their contact information and their temperature is checked. Hand sanitiser is provided in the entrance area and visitors are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) provided by the home. For example, a mask, apron and gloves. The home has a booking system in place to stagger visitors and visiting times. Visitors have no contact with other people living at the home and have minimal contact with the nursing home staff. Visits have been taking place in the garden area and a gazebo has been provided.
• Dedicated staff including cleaning staff are deployed in specific units in the home to reduce the risk of cross contamination and infection across units. Staff wear appropriate PPE and follow the current guidance. The home is not reliant on agency staff to cover staff absences as they have a good supply of bank staff.
• Staff have provided additional social care support to people to help them maintain their mental wellbeing. The innovative use of technology has enabled relatives to stay in touch with their family members. The home has found creative ways to provide activities and entertainment throughout the pandemic. For example, people have been supported to send and receive postcards from local schools.
• New admissions are tested for COVID-19 and the results are known before they are admitted to the home. All new admissions are isolated in their rooms for 14 days. Staff dedicate time to spend with new admissions to support them through their isolation period and adjusting to their new home.