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  • Care home

Ashley Gardens Care Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

419 Sutton Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 8RA (01622) 761310

Provided and run by:
Healthcare Homes (LSC) Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 6 March 2024

Ashley Gardens Care Centre is a residential nursing home providing personal and nursing care and treatment of disease, disorder or injury to up to 89 people. The service provides support to older and younger adults with dementia needs and nursing needs. We carried out the on and off-site responsive assessment due to concerns on 25 March 2024, which concluded on 15 April 2024. We spoke with people and relatives about their experience of the service. We assessed 79 evidence categories within the quality statements which are detailed within the key questions within this assessment report. At our last inspection (published 25 January 2023) the service was rated requires improvement overall with inadequate in safe, and there were three breaches of legal requirements. The service was placed in special measures. At the last inspection concerns related to medicines management, risk assessments, staffing levels, accident and incident reporting and audit processes. We looked at all these areas during this assessment and found improvements had been made and the service was no longer in special measures. Risk assessments were more comprehensive, staffing levels had improved, medicines were well managed, accidents and incidents had been reported and investigated and audit processes were robust.

People's experience of the service

Updated 6 March 2024

People told us they enjoyed living at Ashley Gardens Care Centre and felt safe being supported by staff who knew them well. People told us they had been involved in developing and reviewing their care records and were supported to do as much from themselves as possible. We observed people being supported by staff that were friendly and respectful whilst promoting people’s privacy and dignity. Drink stations were situated around the service with a supply of freshly baked cakes that were available to people. We observed staff offering people drinks and snacks throughout the assessment visit. People told us their feedback was sought through regular meetings held with people. People felt their health and medication was managed to safely by staff who had been trained and followed their care plans. People told us the service was clean and tidy and that the building was well maintained.