Updated 14 August 2024
This assessment took place between 21 October to 28 November 2024. We undertook the assessment due to concerns raised about staffing and governance. EveryDay is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people in their own homes. 421 people were using the service, however, some were not in receipt of personal care. We assessed quality statements across safe effective, caring, responsive and well-led key questions. There were systems in place to assess and manage risks to people’s safety. However, we found these were not consistent. Care records and risk assessments did not take account of all of people’s changing needs and some had missing information. Although we found no evidence people had been harmed, we could not be assured staff always had the correct information and guidance to support people safely. Recruitment and staffing processes were in place; however, records were at times incomplete and required improvement. We received mixed feedback from staff about the management of the service, how training was delivered, and how supported they felt. Audits and checks took place, but these had not identified the issues found with records during this assessment and were not always detailed. We raised this with the registered manager who immediately took steps to address the issues found. The provider had already identified that their systems needed updating to be more robust and had invested in new electronic systems, which were partially implemented and in use for some aspects of the service. There were systems in place to gather people’s feedback. These reflected that people had mostly consistent staff, who were caring, and who they had confidence in.