During the inspection we spoke with two people who used the service and asked them about their experience of living at the home. We also spoke with two relatives. We carried out a tour of the building and reviewed records relevant to the running of the service. We observed staff interaction with people throughout the home. We spoke with the registered manager, a team leader and two support workers. During the inspection we focused on these five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
This is a summary of what we found '
Is the service safe?
We viewed the support plans of each of the five people who used the service and saw that they and/or their relatives where appropriate, were involved in decisions relating to their care. Changes to care and support were documented and the names of people involved in these decisions appropriately recorded.
People received care and support in an environment that was safe and the home was clean and tidy. However we did note that whilst there were emergency evacuation procedures in place for the whole home, each person did not have a personal emergency evacuation plan that was written appropriate to their needs. The manager told us they would rectify this immediately.
Support plans contained detailed information and guidance for staff to enable them to provide care and support that met people's needs and kept people safe. The support plans were written in a way that respected people's wishes and beliefs and encouraged independent choice and thought wherever possible.
We saw there were appropriate procedures in place for the safe handling, storage and administration of medicines. Records indicated people received their medication at the correct time and by appropriately trained staff.
CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. While no applications had needed to be submitted, proper policies and procedures were in place. The registered manager could explain the procedure for submitting an application, should one be required.
A relative of a person who used the service told us, 'I have no worries whatsoever, they are well looked after. There is a very calm and relaxing atmosphere around the home.'
Is the service effective?
Staff spoken with had a good knowledge of people's needs. They could explain the care and support each person who used the service required and how they ensured that the support was effective.
Support plan records showed people's needs were assessed. Risk assessments were conducted and reviewed regularly.
We saw there was a variety of nutritional food and drink available. We saw people were encouraged to choose healthy options wherever possible. Support plans showed that external professionals such as dieticians and GP's had been consulted where there were concerns over a person's weight. Recommendations made by these professionals had been recorded in the support plans, put into action and results of improvements recorded.
A relative we spoke with told us, 'The food is good, plenty of choice although I do wish my son would eat more vegetables.'
Is the service caring?
We observed staff interact with people. There was a calm and friendly atmosphere. People who used the service were well presented and staff took the time to listen and to talk with them. We saw one person watching a movie with a member of staff. It was evident that they had a good relationship.
A person who used the service told us, 'I love it here, they (staff) look after me.'
Is the service responsive?
We saw staff had received training on how to support a person with specific needs.
We saw regular communication with relatives and staff ensured that concerns relatives may have about their family member were addressed.
We looked at records which confirmed that people's interests, beliefs and needs had been recorded and identified and staff responded positively to these.
Is the service well-led?
The registered manager had effective processes in place to regularly monitor the quality of the service provided and whether people's needs were being appropriately met. We saw regular audits of support plans, the environment and people's finances.
People's views were welcomed and acted on. Staff spoken with told us they felt able to raise any issues they had with the registered manager. They told us they felt supported and their views were respected.
There had not been a survey conducted during 2013/2014 that took account of the views of people who used the service and their relatives. The registered manager told us that this will be conducted shortly and the results used to improve the quality of the service.
Staff spoken with were aware of their roles and responsibilities and support plan records showed which people were to be consulted with when decisions about a person's care were being discussed.
Staff and relatives of people who used the service spoke positively about the manager. A support worker told us, 'The manager is incredible, best I've worked for.'