The inspection was carried out by one inspector. We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask:Is the service safe?
Is the service effective?
Is the service caring?
Is the service responsive to people's needs?
Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, family members and the staff supporting them and looking at records. We also looked at the reports of monitoring visits undertaken by Rochdale Local Authority.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
Linkability supports people in the community who live with family or independently in their own home. They also provide a 24 hour supported living service to people who share a house and are tenants renting the property.
We were told by the registered manager that 75 per cent of the staff team had received training in the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and that the remaining 25 per cent would receive training as soon as possible. We were told that meetings took place as and when necessary, which together with the training, ensured that any decisions made about the people's care and support were made in the best interests of the person.
Between January 2014 and the time of our inspection July 2014 there had been three incidents which had been reported to the Local Authority. We were satisfied that they had been dealt with satisfactorily and were now closed. However CQC had not been formally notified.This was discussed with the registered manager as it is a requirement that all significant events and incidents are reported to CQC.
Two of the people who used the service told us that they felt safe and were pleased with their support workers. The three family members we spoke with also told us that they had no concerns about the care their relatives received from the support workers and the service.
The service followed a recruitment procedure that included obtaining references from previous employers and making Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. These procedures ensured that as far as possible only suitable people were employed.
We looked at the systems for managing and administering medication in the home where three people had 24 hour support. We found that the medication was managed and administered safely.
Is the service effective?
The support workers received training in safeguarding adults, moving and handling and National Vocational Qualifications. This ensured that the care was provided by members of staff with up to date skills to support the people who use the service.
The support workers we spoke with told us that they thought there was enough staff to support people who used the service. The also told us that they had regular meetings with managers and were able to discuss their training needs and any concerns they had.
We saw in the house we visited that people had access to relevant aids and adaptations to support their health care needs.
Is the service caring?
We spoke with one person who used the service and contacted another person by email who was assisted by a senior support worker. They told us that they liked the support workers. One person told us; 'I like going bowling and visiting caf's and parks'; they also said; ' I like them all (support workers), they are nice to me and treat me well'. Another person told us that they had a choice at meal times and could go to bed and get up when they wanted to. They also told us that they could talk to the registered manager or the senior support worker if they had any problems or were not happy.
We also asked the three family members we spoke with if they felt comfortable in bringing up any issues with the service that they may have concerns about. All said that they did feel able to and would do so. One person told us that there had been an incident which had been dealt with immediately by the registered manager to the person's satisfaction.
We were told by the registered manager that people's cultural requirements were supported and that recently the service had changed a person's support times to accommodate Ramadan. We were also told that there were support workers available who could communicate in Hindu or Gujarati if English was not the person's or the family's first language.
We saw that people were treated with respect and that they were encouraged to be as independent as their capabilities would allow.
Is the service responsive to people's needs?
From speaking with the registered manager and the support workers we found that there was a good understanding of people's needs. Also some good work had been done by support workers with people using the service in producing personal profile's of the person which included their likes and dislikes. These documents had pictures and simple text to help the person's understanding of the information contained within the document.
However we had concerns that the information recorded in the care plans was not signed and dated which meant that people reading the care plan could not be sure of how up to date the care plan was. We were also concerned that some of the recording needed to be more precise so that the reader was not in doubt as to the care needs of the person. We discussed our concerns with the registered manager.
Is the service well led?
Linkability provides services to people with a learning and/or physical disability. The service had two branches; one located at head office in Chorley and one in Heywood. The Heywood branch also covered the Rochdale area.
The organisation is a registered charity and has a board of directors. Members of the board attend the quality sub group meetings which take place every two to three months.
The service had the Investors in People (IIP) Accreditation; silver award. IIP assess and accredit organisations on the management and quality of the service they provide to both people who use the service and those who work for the service.
There were procedures in place for auditing and monitoring finances and health and safety. Linkability had also organised inspections of the four tenancies by the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue service with regard to the safety of the buildings. From these visits the service had implemented all the recommendations made by the service, completed fire risk assessments and produced evacuation plans. Other quality monitoring checks were completed by the senior support workers and the registered manager. These records were checked and used to improve the service.
Tenants meetings had been re-introduced after a year's absence and the first meeting was due to take place at the end of August. One of the tenancies had started their own meetings to discuss items which related to their particular needs and requirements.