When we visited Jubilee Villa we found that people were very happy with the service that they received. People felt involved and consulted in relation to how they were cared for and supported. Care plans reflected an individualised service that was delivered around people's assessed needs. Everyone we spoke with told us that they had their views and experiences taken into account by staff and by the manager. People's likes and dislikes, hobbies and dreams were recorded in care files seen and activities and outings had been arranged taking these into account. People shared with us their plans for the future and told us what they enjoyed doing. Information shared reflected information seen in care plans.
People liked the meals on offer at the home and enjoyed a flexible and responsive service at mealtimes.
People said that staff were kind and supportive. On the day of our visit we saw people being supported sensitively and discreetly. Staff were very mindful about respecting people's dignity and privacy and were seen to be involving people fully in relation to all decisions made. Staff were confident that people's needs were understood and managed appropriately as they had received good training opportunities and felt well supported to do a good job. People were protected because staff were confident to recognise and report abuse. People felt that staff were able to meet their care and support needs well. People said that they felt safe and well looked after.
People enjoyed a range of activities both within the home and trips out to places of interest. People were involved in making decisions about activities during residents' meetings that took place regularly.
An assessment of one person's needs had been carried out prior to their admission. The person felt that the home was able to meet their needs and had been made to feel very welcome.
A visiting health care professional to Jubilee Villa spoke very highly of the home saying that they had a good working relationship with the manager and the staff team and that the home was responsive to people's changing needs.