In this report, the name of a registered manager appears who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still a Registered Manager on our register at the time.This was an unannounced inspection. At this inspection we also followed up on issues we identified at the last two inspection visits in August and November 2013. We found concerns at the two previous inspections in relation to the care and welfare of people using the service and with the staffing levels in place to support people. At the time of this visit 14 people were using the service. We looked at two people's care records and spoke with these people to get their views on the quality of support they received. We also spoke with the staff that supported them. This is known as pathway tracking and helps us to understand the outcomes and experiences of a selected sample of people. We also spoke with five other people that were using the service and one person's visitor.
Is the service safe?
People told us they felt safe and had no concerns regarding the staff that supported them. One person told us; 'I feel very safe with the staff, they are all lovely.' Another person said; 'I feel much safer here than I did at home, this is a nice place and I have never felt unsafe here.'
Staff spoken with had a good understanding regarding the level of support each person required to maintain their safety and well-being.
Information within care plans and risk assessments demonstrated that people were supported to maintain their safety whilst keeping as much independence as possible.
Two care staff were on duty at night. Information within people's records confirmed the level of support they required in the case of fire or other emergency situations. At our last visit we were advised that one member of staff lived within the grounds of the home and could be available to provide additional cover at night. However this person also covered night shifts, which meant that on these occasions this additional cover would not be available. Although the manager confirmed that they were on call and could be available at the home within 15 minutes, this time frame would not be effective in an emergency situation. The provider may wish to consider if the current night staffing arrangements would be sufficient to maintain people's safety in emergency situations.
Is the service effective?
Discussions with people using the service and information in care records showed that people's needs and preferences were being met.
People spoken with confirmed that staff respected their wishes and supported them as needed. People confirmed that they were consulted about their care plans and involved in decisions about the support they received. One person told us, 'I manage most things myself but the staff are always checking with me that I'm ok and I am consulted about things.'
Since our last visit the staffing levels during the day had increased. Along with the manager of the home there was three care staff on duty. This enabled one member of staff to remain in the communal lounge when it was occupied, whilst the other two care staff supported people with their care needs as required.
The staffing levels at night had not been increased at the time of our visit and there was two staff on duty at night. Out of the 14 people using the service, three people required the support of two staff with hoisting for personal care needs. Although the majority of people told us that staff attended to them promptly, there was the potential that some people may have to wait at night for staff support.
Is the service caring?
We observed a positive working relationship between the staff and the people they supported. People using the service said that they like the staff and confirmed they did a good job. One person said; 'Without exception all staff are very kind and helpful.' Another person told us; 'The staff are all very good, they work hard and are always kind and friendly.'
People's preferences and diverse needs had been recorded and care and support had been provided in accordance with people's wishes.
Is the service responsive?
People we spoke with told us that if they had any concerns or worries they would tell a member of staff or a family member.
From our observations we saw that people using the service appeared relaxed and comfortable with the staff on duty and were able to openly express their opinions and preferences.
We saw that staff responded promptly to ensure people's needs were met, for example when people requested support to use the toilet staff responded and we observed staff treating people respectfully, ensuring their dignity was maintained.
Is the service well-led?
Since our last visit a new manager had been appointed. People who used the service, visitors and staff spoken with were very complimentary regarding the new manager.
The visitor spoken to confirmed that meetings were held at the home on a regular basis to keep relatives up to date with any issues and how these were being addressed.
The visitor spoken with told us; 'She [the new manager] has made such a difference because she's so approachable and available.' This person also confirmed that the owner of the home was also available on a regular basis to discuss any concerns or issues.
Staff were clear about their roles and responsibilities and spoke positively about the management support they received. Staff told us that they were being provided with monthly supervision sessions and team meetings and confirmed that they found these beneficial in undertaking their job.