The inspection took place on 1 August and was announced. The inspection continued on 3 August 2017 and was announced.Bluebird Care (Southampton) provides domiciliary support services and 24 hour care to people in their own homes. The agency provides care and support to a wide range of people including older people, people diagnosed with dementia and people with learning disabilities. At the time of our inspection there were 62 people receiving personal care from the service. There was a central office base in Southampton.
The service had a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People and staff told us that the service was safe. Staff were able to tell us how they would report and recognise signs of abuse and had received training in safeguarding adults.
Care plans were in place which detailed the care and support people needed to remain safe whilst having control and making choices about how they lived their life. The service used an online system which held care files and also included guidelines to make sure staff supported people in a way they preferred. Risk assessments were completed, regularly reviewed and up to date.
Medicines were managed safely, securely stored in people’s homes, correctly recorded and only administered by staff that were trained to give medicines.
Staff had a good knowledge of people’s support needs and received regular training as well as training specific to their roles for example, nutrition and dementia.
Staff received regular supervisions and annual appraisals which were carried out by the registered manager, care manager and senior supervisors.
Staff were aware of the Mental Capacity Act and training records showed that they had received training in this. Consent to care was sought and people’s capacity was assessed when necessary and best interest decisions made as appropriate.
People were supported to eat and drink enough whilst maintaining a healthy diet. Food and fluid intake was recorded for those who were under monitoring for this.
People were supported to access healthcare services. We were told that health professionals visit people in their homes.
People told us that staff were caring. During home visits we observed positive interactions between the registered manager and people. People said they felt comfortable with staff supporting them. People said that staff treated them in a dignified manner. Staff had a good understanding of people’s likes, dislikes, interests and communication needs. This meant that people were supported by staff who knew them well.
We were given examples of how staff had gone above and beyond their roles to deliver good care. These demonstrated a true commitment to people and the passion staff had to deliver care and support which was responsive and effective to meeting people’s needs.
Bluebird Care Southampton were committed to community engagement and were able to show us how they had taken part in local fundraising and raising awareness events.
A ‘Sparkle of the month’ scheme had been put in place. People were nominated by staff to receive a free activity covered by the organisation. This benefitted people who may otherwise be isolated whilst also building and maintaining positive working relationships.
People had their care and support needs assessed before using the service and care packages reflected people’s needs in these. We saw that these were regularly reviewed by the care manager and senior supervisors with people, families and other health and social care professionals.
The service had systems in place to capture and respond to people’s feedback. People were asked if they were happy with the support they are receiving and if they would like any changes made during people’s regular review meetings. General feedback from the 2016 survey was positive and actions had been completed.
There was a system in place for recording complaints which captured the detail and evidenced steps taken to address them. We saw that there were no outstanding complaints in place. Compliments were also recorded by the service.
Staff, people and families told us that they thought the management was good at Bluebird Care Southampton. We found that the management team promoted an open working environment and was flexible.
The directors aspired to be the best local care provider. People, relatives and staff rated the service highly. Staff were acknowledged by the registered manager and directors for their hard work and commitment in their jobs. Staff told us this made them feel valued.
We saw that quality monitoring across the services took place regularly by the registered manager, care manager and senior supervisors. These captured comments and actions were appropriate.