22 August 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During this inspection we found the practice had taken effective action and achieved compliance. The practice now had robust systems in place to ensure the risk of cross infection was minimised. We saw that water systems were checked for Legionella, which is a bacteria risk in water or cooling systems. There was an up to date risk assessment in place to show that this had been carried out. We found the machines used for the sterilisation and cleaning of equipment were regularly checked and serviced. A comprehensive cleaning schedule was in place with clear responsibilities outlined, which covered all areas of the premises.
We reviewed a number of policies and procedures, which included the infection control and complaints procedures. The policies were dated and a review date was recorded. The complaints procedure had been displayed in the waiting room. One of the dentists was responsible for ensuring any relevant professional standards and guidance was shared with the team. The practice had reviewed and discussed all complaints and accidents and incidents and learning was shared with the team. We saw evidence the practice had completed various audits and used the findings to improve the quality of the service provided to patients.