The inspection was unannounced and carried out on the 05 January 2016. The service was last inspected on 30 August 2013 and we found action was required with regards to the old essential standard ‘supporting workers’. We re-inspected on 15 November 2013 and found the home had met all the actions and was compliant with the regulations.
Berkeley House is a purpose built acquired brain injury, learning disability and mental health unit; located in Pemberton, near Wigan. The unit has 18 en-suite bedrooms across three floors with lift access to all floors. The service offers short respite and long term care for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 years.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People, relatives and visiting healthcare professionals without exception spoke positively about the staff and management at the home. It was clear throughout the inspection; staff knew and understood people’s needs well and went out of their way to provide flexible, tailored support. Staff went through a robust recruitment process before starting work. Sufficient staff were deployed which was responsive to people’s needs and preferences and enabled people to lead busy and fulfilled lives.
People had comprehensive risk assessments which were reviewed regularly and changed timely to meet people’s needs. People and their relatives were involved in the assessments and planning of their health and social care. Regular reviews were undertaken collaboratively and relatives expressed feeling involved. People’s views and decisions they made about their care were listened and acted upon.
We found the home had suitable safeguarding procedures in place, which were designed to protect vulnerable people from abuse and the risk of abuse. The management of medications, promoted people’s safety. Medication records were well maintained and detailed policies and procedures were in place.
Staff were trained and the management demonstrated a commitment to continued professional development to maintain skills and deliver best practice. Staff were supported through induction, supervision and training to promote better outcomes for people.
People’s healthcare needs were regularly assessed and monitored. Contact was made with other health care professionals timely and links were established with; community nurses, social workers, Huntington’s team, opticians, specialist learning disability services, dentist, tissue viability nurses and GP’s.
Staff understood the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) regarding people who lacked capacity to make a decision. They also understood the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to make sure people were not restricted unnecessarily.
We saw staff assessed peoples’ nutritional needs and varied menu’s had been developed. People were offered choice and the dining experience was interactive and relaxed. People’s records were accurately maintained and completed timely.
We saw genuine relationships between staff and people who used the service. Staff were caring and compassionate. We noted frequent, appropriate physical contact between staff and people which were natural and symbolised the familiarity and relationships that had developed between people and staff. People were put at ease and we saw staff approach people’s distress with empathy and provide appropriate reassurance and contact to provide support. People were supported by staff that were compassionate and treated them with dignity and respect.
The home was warm and welcoming. It was clean, free from offensive odours and was decorated and maintained. People had personalised the environment with murals and pictures of activities and outings. People chose the colour of their bedroom and furnishings.
There was a positive atmosphere throughout the home and people spoke positively about the support provided. We were consistently informed by people who used the service, relatives and health professionals that the care provided was of high quality and person centred. Staff were repeatedly described as committed, thoughtful and dedicated.
People were active members of their local community and led busy and fulfilling lives. There was evidence of positive outcomes for people, and that people had pursued new opportunities, progressed over time, gained new skills and increased their independence.
We saw the home had received compliments from relatives and healthcare professionals since our last inspection. People told us they knew how to make a complaint and felt comfortable to do this should they feel the need to.
Staff told us the management was open, supportive and approachable. Staff felt they had an influence over service development and how care was provided. Feedback was sought from people, relatives and staff through meetings, surveys and suggestions.
Leadership within the home was strong. Managers had a clear vision of what was required of a quality service and this spread throughout the home. All staff were respectful of management and demonstrated a commitment to working towards the shared values.