2 December 2013
During a routine inspection
Safeguarding records and information we viewed evidenced to us that staff were provided with up-to-date training which ensured that patient safety was given a high priority. This helped to ensure that people were kept safe at all times. Patients were provided with support to access advocacy support when this was required. We asked people if they felt safe at Kings Delph Lodge. People we spoke with confirmed that they felt safe and that staff were "nice".
Our tour of the premises demonstrated to us that the provider completed regular maintenance of the environment to ensure the upkeep of the service. Windows and access points were secure to prevent unauthorised access to the location.
Staff were supported with an effective supervision and appraisal process. Records we viewed and staff we spoke with confirmed to us that this was the case.
Records we reviewed evidenced to us that the provider had completed statutory inspections including those for, gas, electricity and water. We saw that records were held securely and were easily accessible when required.