10 July 2019
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This service is not rated in this inspection. (There were two previous inspections. The first on 4 September 2018,when the service was found not to be providing safe, effective or well led care. The second inspection on 9 May 2019 rated the practice as inadequate. It was rated as inadequate for providing safe, effective and well led care, and good for caring and responsive care.)
We carried out this announced focussed inspection at The Monteiro Clinic on 10 July 2019 to check if the practice had demonstrated improvement in areas detailed as needing improvement in warning notices issued following the inspection on 9 May 2019. The inspection focussed solely on the areas detailed in the warning notices.
The warning notices detailed the following areas:
- Patients who were attending for medicals (such as those requiring clearance to drive heavy goods vehicles) were not having identity checks recorded, as such the service could not guarantee the identity of the patient.
- In three of the 11 records that we reviewed, there was no record on the database that blood and other test results had been checked by a doctor.
- The service did not have a failsafe system to follow up referrals made requiring a two-week appointment.
- Nurses were not trained to undertake long term conditions monitoring that they were required to do as part of their role.
- The service did not have safeguarding registers in place. the lead GP who was the safeguarding lead said that they had not made any safeguarding referrals, but a referral was made for a patient who had been the victim of domestic violence in the period leading to the inspection.
- The service was clean and the cleaner signed when they attended, but there was no cleaning schedule detailing exactly what should be cleaned and when.
- The service did not have adequate prescription security measures in place.
- The service did not record where chaperones had been offered or when they had been in the consultation even where intimate examinations and procedures were required.
- The service did not adequately record consent. Forms for consent to the fitting of implants were not sufficiently detailed.
- There were insufficient governance issues in place to review and manage the issues identified in this inspection that required improvement.
- One of the doctors at the practice had a basic Disclosure and Barring Service check only. An enhanced check is required for clinical staff.
- The database at the practice could not be audited, and doctors at the practice seemed unaware where on the patient record to include information.
At this inspection we found that the practice had addressed some of the issues from the warning notices. However, we noted that there were areas that had not been addressed, and a clinical records review showed clinical care which was inadequate.
We found that:
- The service did not provide care in a way that kept patients safe and protected them from avoidable harm.
- Patients did not receive effective care from clinicians at the practice, and there were inadequate systems to ensure staff were fit for the role they were undertaking and the management of consent.
- The way the practice was led and managed did not promote the delivery of high-quality, person-centre care. There was a lack of governance systems, protocols and systems to provide safe and effective care.
We identified regulations that were not being met and the provider must make improvements to:
- Ensure care and treatment is provided in a safe way to patients.
- Ensure systems and processes are established and operated effectively to ensure compliance with the requirements of good governance.
(Please see the specific details on action required at the end of this report).
This service was placed in special measures and had warning notices placed against it at the last inspection. Insufficient improvements have been made to ensure that patients are receiving safe, effective and well led care. We have also found significant concerns about the care being provided to patients through clinical record review. Therefore, we are taking action in line with our enforcement procedures. A condition has been put in place to remove The Monteiro Clinic Limited, 2 Clapham Park Road, London, SW9 0JG from the provider's registration. Regulated activities may no longer be carried out at this location.
Dr Rosie Benneyworth BM BS BMedSci MRCGP
Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care