Is the service safe?There were processes in place for recording incidents and to identify areas that needed improvement, but there was limited evidence to demonstrate that information was effectively analysed and learnt from, and changes implemented as a result. Several areas of the building were dirty or in need of repair. The safeguarding policies were not up to date, and staff were not clear about how to make a safeguarding referral.
Is the service effective?
There was a multidisciplinary team of staff working within the unit. There were staff vacancies which the service filled with temporary agency staff, and the provider could not demonstrate that they had received the necessary training and support to work effectively with people in the service. Audits had been carried out, but there was limited evidence of changes being made as a result.
Is the service caring?
Some of the care we observed and feedback from people using the service was positive. However, there was limited involvement of people in their care planning, and staff were not always available to provide support to people when they needed it.
Is the service responsive?
All the people using the service had a care plan. In some cases this was tailored to the needs of the person, but in others it did not reflect their individual needs. There was limited evidence of discharge planning, although most people had had a care programme approach (CPA) meeting. There was not a clear rehabilitation pathway, or care plan/strategy for working with people who misused drugs or alcohol.
Is the service well led?
The service had policies, but it was not clear that these had been updated as necessary, and that the current policies were accessible to staff. There were processes in place for monitoring the service, but there was limited evidence to demonstrate that information was effectively analysed and learnt from, and changes implemented as a result.