About the service: Rider House is a care home registered to provide accommodation with nursing for up to 41 people. The home is set in large grounds and the accommodation is spread across two floors. There is a central dining area with a number of lounges throughout the property.People’s experience of using this service: In most areas we found the home to be good although we did find some improvements were needed in the responsiveness of the service.
People did not always receive personalised care as staff were task focussed and had limited time to spend engaging in activities with people.
People were protected from harm. Risk assessments were completed and staff were recruited using safe recruitment practices. People received their medicine on time by staff trained to administer it.
People were protected from infection. The provider reviewed accidents and incidents when they happened.
People’s needs were assessed in line with current guidance and staff received training relevant to their role. People were supported to maintain a balanced diet and had access to drinks throughout the day.
Staff worked with other agencies to deliver people’s care and ensure access to healthcare facilities. People’s care was delivered in the line with the Mental Capacity Act. The environment was being refurbished and areas modernised.
People were treated with kindness and involved in decisions about their care. People had their privacy respected.
People had access to a complaints procedure. People were supported by staff as and when they reached the end of their life.
The provider had a clear vision and the manager had developed an action plan to drive improvements
People were engaged in discussions about the service and the manager worked in partnership with others to ensure people had a say in what was needed.
The home sought to continuously learn and improve care.
More information is in the full report
Rating at last inspection: At the last inspection the home was rated as requires improvement (report published 28 September 2017) At this inspection we noted that many of the required improvements had been made.
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection carried out in line with our methodology.
Follow up: We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If concerning information is received we may inspect sooner.