14 March 2013
During a routine inspection
People confirmed that they had folders in their homes which they knew contained their care and support plans. One relative we spoke with said: "We have been blessed with mum's carer being with her, it has completely changed her life and ours".
We spoke with four care staff and the manager and they told us that their training in safeguarding of vulnerable adults had included the prevention of abuse and whistle blowing. Staff training records showed that training in safeguarding of vulnerable adults was included in staff induction and it was updated annually.
Appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. We looked at six staff files and saw that the necessary checks had been made before people started to provide care in people's homes. We saw that Disclosure and Barring Service (DAB) checks, formally Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) had been completed.
We looked at the customer survey feedback forms that had been completed by people who used the service and had been returned to the office in February 2013. Overall people were very happy with the service provided.