The inspection took place on 13 February 2017 and was announced to ensure staff we needed to speak with were available. Melody Care Alton is registered to provide personal care to older people living in their own homes. They provide a service to people living with dementia, people with a learning disability, people with a mental health diagnosis, people with a physical disability and younger adults. At the time of the inspection there were 33 people receiving the regulated activity of personal care.The service had two registered managers, one of whom was also the provider. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us staff kept them safe. Processes were in place to safeguard people from the risk of abuse. Staff had undergone relevant training and understood their role and responsibility to safeguard people.
People and their relatives said staff had a good understanding of any risks to them and how to manage these safely. Risk assessments were in place; which staff were familiar with. Staff had undergone relevant training to ensure people were supported with their care safely.
Staff’s experience and skills were taken into account when matching staff to people to ensure people were provided with sufficiently skilled staff to meet their needs. People and their relatives informed us care was provided at the preferred time by regular care staff. The provider had robust recruitment systems in place to ensure the recruitment of suitable staff.
Medicines were administered to people by appropriately trained staff. The provider’s electronic care records system ensured staff had access to up to date information about peoples’ medicines and alerted them and office staff if a person’s medicines were missed or not signed for, to ensure appropriate action was taken.
Staff underwent an induction to their role when they commenced work with the provider. They undertook a range of relevant training and were encouraged and supported to undertake professional qualifications. Staff underwent regular spot checks and supervision to support them and ensure their work with people was of the required standard.
Staff had undertaken Mental Capacity Act training and had access to relevant guidance in the event they needed to assess a person’s mental capacity in relation to the making of a specific decision. People and their relatives confirmed staff sought people’s consent for their care.
Staff ensured people ate and drank sufficient for their needs. Risks to people associated with eating had been identified and addressed for them. Staff supported people where required to ensure their health care needs were met.
People and relatives all told us that people experienced very caring and positive relationships with the care staff; with whom they had developed a good rapport. People were cared for by staff who were interested in them and cared about them. People’s records demonstrated and staff confirmed that people were consulted about decisions in relation to the provision of their care.
People and their relatives confirmed people’s privacy and dignity was maintained during the provision of care. Staff were expected by the provider to uphold people’s privacy and dignity and understood how to achieve this for people.
People and their relatives told us people received personalised care; the provision of which they had been consulted about and which met the person’s needs. People’s care needs were assessed, regularly reviewed with them and any adjustments made. People’s independence was promoted in the provision of their care. Where either the person or the commissioner had requested that the person was provided with opportunities for social stimulation then staff ensured this need was met.
Processes were in place to seek people’s feedback and action was taken to address any issues raised. People and their relatives told us they had confidence in how any issues or complaints would be addressed.
Staff upheld the provider’s values of equality, privacy, autonomy, dignity, respect and independence in the provision of people’s care. The service was open, accessible and office staff were approachable.
People and their relatives provided positive feedback about the management of the service. The service had a clearly defined management structure which enabled staff to feel supported. People received their care from staff who were themselves valued and treated well by the provider.
The provider used a range of methods to monitor the quality of the service people received. Information received was used to improve people’s experience of the service provided.