We spoke with five people who used the service, one relative and four members of staff. One person we spoke with told us, 'It's a good hospital because of the care and attention ' you need a place like this.' Another person told us, 'I have nothing but positive things to say. I don't think they could do anything better.'
We found that people were respected and involved in their care and their medicines were handled and administered safely. This meant people's privacy and dignity was maintained and people were protected from harm.
As part of our inspection we observed care being delivered and saw that care was delivered to a high standard.
The staff we spoke with told us that they were properly supported and received appropriate training. We were shown records that confirmed this. This meant that people who used the service were supported by competent staff. One staff member we spoke with told us, 'It's lovely working here ' the staff are an integrated team working towards the same goal.'
We reviewed six care plans and related clinical records. We saw that care plans and records did not always accurately assess, plan and record the care that was being delivered. This meant that people were not always protected against the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment.