• Dentist
  • Dentist

The Boathouse Dental Surgery

High Street, Goring, Reading, RG8 9AB (01491) 872394

Provided and run by:
The Boathouse Dental Surgery

Report from 28 May 2024 assessment

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Regulations met

Updated 9 August 2024

We found this practice was providing safe care in accordance with the relevant regulations and had taken into consideration appropriate guidance. The provider had made improvements in relation to the regulatory breach we found at our inspection on 11 October 2023.

Find out what we look at when we assess this area in our information about our new Single assessment framework.

Learning culture

Regulations met

The judgement for Learning culture is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Regulations met

The judgement for Safe systems, pathways and transitions is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.


Regulations met

The judgement for Safeguarding is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Involving people to manage risks

Regulations met

The judgement for Involving people to manage risks is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Safe environments

Regulations met

At the assessment on 1 August 2024, we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: A fire exit route at the rear of the practice was unobstructed. Emergency equipment and medicines were available and checked in accordance with national guidance. Staff could access these in a timely way. Colour coded cleaning equipment was no longer stored at the practice. We were told it was brought into the practice by the cleaning contractor.

At the assessment on 1 August 2024, we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice had arrangements to ensure the majority of the required radiation protection information was available. However, they told us they had not completed monthly quality assurance tests for Cone-beam computed tomography which were due on 21 July 2024 A five yearly electrical installation (fixed wiring) test was carried out. Portable appliance safety testing protocols were in place and followed. A fire safety risk assessment was carried out in line with the legal requirements. The management of fire safety required improvement. In particular, records of emergency lighting monthly tests were not kept.

Safe and effective staffing

Regulations met

At the assessment on 1 August 2024, we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice had a recruitment policy and procedure to help them employ suitable staff. We checked 3 staff recruitment records and found that checks reflected the relevant legislation. The practice ensured clinical staff were qualified, registered with the General Dental Council and had appropriate professional indemnity cover. Newly appointed staff had a structured induction, and records were kept.

Infection prevention and control

Regulations met

At the assessment on 1 August 2024, we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice appeared clean and there was a schedule in place to ensure it was kept clean. However, oversight of the standard of cleaning could not be evidenced. Staff followed infection control principles, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

At the assessment on 1 August 2024, we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice had infection control procedures which reflected published guidance and the equipment in use. However, their auditing protocols were not in line with guidance, as they needed to make improvements to ensure infection prevention and control audits were carried at appropriate intervals. They had not completed an IPC audit due in April Staff had appropriate infection prevention and control training. Improvements were needed to ensure infection prevention and control audits were carried out at appropriate intervals. The current audit was due to be carried out in April 2024. Shortfalls highlighted in the most recently completed infection prevention and control audit remained outstanding. The practice had procedures to reduce the risk of Legionella, or other bacteria, developing in water systems, in line with a risk assessment. Improvements could be made to ensure that temperatures of water being tested were recorded as opposed to a tick to indicate temperatures were met. The practice had policies and procedures in place to ensure clinical waste was segregated and stored appropriately in line with guidance.

Medicines optimisation

Regulations met

The judgement for Medicines optimisation is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.