During our inspection we spoke with a dental nurse and the practice manager. We looked at the records for ten people who had used the service.Following our visit we spoke with five people over the telephone so that we could get their views of the service provided. All the people we spoke with were positive about their experiences. People told us that they were given enough information about their treatment options and were always asked about their medical history. One person told us, 'The dentist explains in detail what he is going to do before treatment starts'. Another person we spoke to said, 'Medical history is always asked'.
We found that people received the planned care and treatment they needed and records detailed the treatment people had received. There were regular checks to ensure equipments and emergency medications were in working order. However, we found an emergency medication that was out of date.
Infection prevention procedures were mostly being followed to minimise the risk of infection.
Staff had received appropriate training and development to enable them to deliver treatment to people safely and to an appropriate standard.
There were systems to monitor the quality of service and to improve the service by learning from incidents, errors and near misses.