9 November to 10 November 2021
During a routine inspection
Our rating of this location went down. We rated it as requires improvement because:
- Although we found the service largely performed well, it did not meet legal requirements relating to safe, effective, and well led, meaning we could not give it a rating higher than requires improvement.
- There was no formal psychological provision in place for patients.
- Medicine charts did not match the appropriate Mental Health Act documentation and were not routinely updated as soon as reasonably practicable.
- Not all patient areas were well maintained and cleaned regularly.
- Cleaning records and clinic room records were not regularly completed and audited.
- Patient outcomes for occupational therapy were not routinely measured and reviewed.
- The service had enough nursing and medical staff, who knew the patients and received basic training to keep people safe from avoidable harm.
- Staff participated in the provider’s restrictive interventions reduction programme, which met best practice standards. Staff made every attempt to avoid using restraint by using de-escalation techniques and restrained patients only when these failed and when necessary to keep the patient or others safe.
- Staff assessed the physical and mental health of all patients on admission. They developed individual care plans which were reviewed regularly through multidisciplinary discussion and updated as needed. Care plans reflected patients’ assessed needs, and were personalised, holistic and recovery oriented.
- Staff supported patients to make decisions on their care for themselves. They understood the providers policy on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and assessed and recorded capacity clearly for patients who might have impaired mental capacity.
- Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness. They respected patients’ privacy and dignity. They understood the individual needs of patients and supported patients to understand and manage their care, treatment, or condition.
- Staff planned and managed discharge well. They liaised well with services that would provide aftercare and were assertive in managing the discharge care pathway. As a result, patients did not have excessive lengths of stay and discharge was rarely delayed for other than a clinical reason.