25 April 2017
During a routine inspection
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Staff had undergone safeguarding training and had access to policies and guidance to enable them to safeguard people from abuse.
People had detailed and comprehensive risk assessments in place which were actively reviewed with them to ensure they remained up to date and relevant. Staff understood how to respond to emergencies when they arose. The provider had ensured that the premises and service were secure and safe for people.
A higher level of staffing had been maintained for the number of people accommodated to allow for the induction of new staff. People were safe as they were cared for by staff whose suitability for their role had been assessed by the provider.
People received their medicines safely from trained staff, who were provided with relevant guidance about the administration of people’s medicines. There were processes in place to ensure the safe ordering, storage and disposal of medicines.
Staff received a comprehensive induction to their role. People were supported by staff who were offered a broad range of training opportunities relevant to their role to ensure they could support people effectively. Staff were well supported within their role through the supervision process.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People were involved in the meal planning within the service and had a choice of hot meal. People were encouraged to eat a balanced diet and healthy eating was promoted. People were encouraged where possible to be independent in the kitchen.
Staff spoken with were knowledgeable about people’s health care needs and people’s care records contained any relevant guidance required by staff to ensure their health care needs could be met effectively.
People experienced positive relationships with the staff who provided their care. People seemed very relaxed with the staff and clearly enjoyed their company. Staff demonstrated concern for people’s welfare. Staff supported people appropriately to make their own decisions.
Staff were observed to be respectful of people’s wishes. Staff were careful not to speak with other staff about issues in front of people. People were provided with information about their rights within the service. People’s needs in relation to their privacy and dignity had been met.
People were provided with a comprehensive pre-assessment prior to their admission to the service. People had support plans in place that had been discussed and agreed with them in order to identify what their care needs were and how they wanted them to be met; these were reviewed with them at least monthly. Staff had access to clear and individualised guidance in relation to meeting each person’s mental health needs.
People’s needs for stimulation were met in varied ways that responded to their individual interests and preferences. People were able to access a range of activities both on-site and in the community. People were encouraged to retain or develop their levels of independence.
The provider’s aims for the service were clearly stated in their statement of purpose. Staff were observed to uphold the provider’s values in the way in which they supported people with their care. There was an open and transparent culture within the service.
There was a clearly defined management structure and staff understood their roles and responsibilities. Staff told us the service was well-led and that the registered manager was available and approachable. The registered manager demonstrated a sound knowledge of the challenges facing the service, for example, in relation to staffing.
People had been involved in quality assurance processes and their feedback had been used to make improvements to the service. People’s complaints were investigated, responded to and any required actions taken.
Various aspects of the service were audited on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The results of audits had been used to improve the quality of the service people received.