10 March 2021
During a routine inspection
Bereweeke Court is a care home which provides nursing dementia care and residential dementia care. The service can accommodation up to 50 people. The home is located in a residential area close to community facilities. At the time of the inspection there were 21 people living at Bereweeke Court.
People’s experience of using this service and what we found
Improvements had been made which ensured that risks relating to people’s care and support had been adequately assessed or planned for. There were now sufficient numbers of experienced staff deployed at all times to ensure people’s safety. Medicines were managed safely. There were systems in place to learn from incidents and accidents. Infection control procedures were robust and the service was visibly clean, and no malodours were noted. Staff had a positive attitude to reporting concerns and not tolerating poor care.
Improvements had been made which ensured that staff undertook training relevant to their role and which kept their skills and knowledge up to date. Improvements were being made to ensure that care plans contained adequate information to guide staff. This remained a work in progress. We have made a recommendation that the audit systems in place be reviewed to support this. The mealtime experience had improved. We observed that it was a more person-centred and positive experience for people. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff and the systems in the service supported this approach. Legal frameworks regarding the use of consent were being followed. People had access to a range of health care professionals.
People told us that staff were kind and caring and treated them with respect. We observed that staff supported people to express their views and choices wherever possible. Staff engaged with people in a friendly and compassionate manner.
Improvements had been made to the culture within the service which meant that there was now a focus on the importance of delivering person centred care at all times. This was driven by the registered manager who had a clear value base which placed the person at the centre of their care. Improvements had been made which ensured that people were provided with access to activities which they enjoyed, and which were in keeping with their interests. This was a work in progress and further improvements were planned. People and their relatives continued to express confidence that they could raise any issues or concerns with any member of staff or the registered manager and that these would be addressed. People were supported to have a comfortable and pain free death when they were at the end of their lives.
Improvements had been made to the governance arrangements. Tools used to assess the quality and safety of the service were used effectively to help identify areas where quality of care was being compromised and to drive improvements. Feedback about the registered manager was very positive. Staff and relatives told us his appointment had had a positive impact throughout the service in terms of quality, culture and leadership. The registered manager was clearly driven to look at how the home might continue to improve in all areas.
Rating at last inspection
The last rating for this service was ‘Requires improvement’ (November 2019). We found four breaches of the Regulations. The provider completed an action plan to show what they would do and by when to improve. At this inspection we found improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations.
Why we inspected
This was a planned, comprehensive, inspection based on the previous rating and to check they had followed their action plan and to confirm they now met legal requirements
We looked at infection prevention and control measures under the Safe key question. We look at this in all care home inspections even if no concerns or risks have been identified. This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If we receive any concerning information we may inspect sooner.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk