People using the service told us they were happy with the care and support they had received and that staff had always been respectful towards them and protected their privacy and dignity. People told us they had made decisions about their care and support and felt that their choices and wishes had been listened to and had been acted upon. People’s comments included the following; “I feel comfortable because I have a small group of carers who know what I need”, “The service is very very good”, “Its’ excellent and I have never had any reason at all to complain. The carers are always punctual and totally reliable”.
We were given positive feedback about the care workers. People described staff as “Excellent”, “Reliable” and “Spot on”. One person said “The staff are very approachable, they’re warm and professional at the same time”.
We found that staff were supporting the aims and objectives of the service in encouraging people to make choices, use their skills, and participate within their local community.
Checks had been carried out on staff before they started working for the agency. These aim to ensure people are supported by staff who have the appropriate qualities, skills and experience they need to carry out their roles.
People told us they would feel confident to raise any concerns or complaints about the service but they had not had reason to do so We saw that when a complaint had been made it had been listened to and acted upon by the manager.