As part of our inspection we spoke with two people who were at the dental practice waiting for treatment when we visited. We also spoke with seven other people who used the service by telephone after our inspection to gain their experiences of the service. We met and spoke with two dentists and two dental nurses. People we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the service they received. One person told us, 'They get to know you and your family'. Other people also commented on the family friendly environment created by the practice.
We saw people were provided with information about the dental practice in an information leaflet held on reception. Information detailing the cost of treatment on the NHS and privately was also available. People told us they were treated with dignity and respect and staff shared examples of how they promoted this in their work. We observed people being provided with a choice of days and times for attending future appointments.
People told us their treatment options were explained to them and they were given time to go home and consider their options before receiving treatment. They told us the risks and benefits of treatment had been explained, although our findings evidenced people had not received a written copy of their treatment plan detailing the agreed course of treatment and costs.
People said they found the practice clean and said they were satisfied with the standard of cleanliness and hygiene. People confirmed that clinical staff wore personal protective clothing such as uniforms and disposable gloves but said that they did not always wear masks or eye protection. Some people commented that the practice was need of investment as areas of the practice were looking 'tired'. The provider supported this.
Staff told us they attended training to maintain their knowledge and skills in their work. People who used the service said they considered staff were competent in their work. The provider acknowledged the need to develop staff knowledge in local procedures for dealing with an allegation of abuse.
All but one person told us they were not aware of the formal complaints procedure if they wished to raise concerns about their treatment. Most people said that they would feel confident raising a concern with the registered provider however not everyone said that people would be comfortable to do this.
We identified some areas of record keeping required improvement to ensure people who used the service were protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment.