This inspection took place on 19 and 21 April 2017 and was unannounced.¿This was a comprehensive inspection carried out at Highfield House Residential Care Home. At ¿the last inspection on 20 October 2014, the service was rated ‘Good’. At this inspection we found ¿the service was now ‘Outstanding’.¿
Highfield House is a care home, registered to provide care for up to 22 people. The home ¿specialises in the care of older people but does not provide nursing care. It is situated in the ¿centre of Castle Cary, in easy walking distance of local shops, churches, post office, library, ¿cafes, pubs and park. There were 22 people living at the home when we inspected.¿
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with ¿the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered ¿persons.' Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health ¿and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.¿
People were supported by very kind, caring and compassionate staff who went the extra mile to ¿provide people with excellent, high quality care. One person said, "The care is superb. All the staff ¿are wonderful, compassionate and kind people who really understand the meaning of care.” This ¿high standard of care enhanced people's quality of life and wellbeing. The whole staff team were ¿extremely passionate about providing people with support based on their individual needs and ¿aspirations.¿
There was a strong culture within the service of treating people with dignity and respect. People ¿and the staff knew each other well and these relationships were valued. The staff, registered manager, care manager and the provider were always visible and listened to people and their relatives and friends, ¿offered them choice and made them feel that they mattered. ¿
Care was planned around people's individual preferences and this included their spiritual ¿wishes. People's diverse needs were considered and their human rights respected. The service ¿had a recognised approach to support people at the end of their lives to ensure that it was ¿dignified and comfortable. People received exceptionally compassionate care at the end of their ¿life, which was planned in advance with them. A relative told us, “The end of life care was ¿excellent, it really was.”¿
There was a culture of openness and transparency at the service. Staff were extremely positive ¿about the management and leadership which inspired them to deliver a high quality service. The ¿registered manager, care manager and the provider (collectively known as 'the management team') demonstrated exceptional leadership. They encouraged ¿ideas from staff to benefit the people in their care and maintain a strong, stable staff team with a ¿shared goal. ¿
People were looked after by staff who all shared the provider's commitment to providing high ¿quality care. The registered manager said, “People here are at the heart of everything we do; they ¿are consulted and involved in everything. The culture here has been built over years and years of ¿hard work and dedication by the owners.” ¿
Feedback from people who used the service and their relatives was used to make changes to the ¿service and to drive improvements. The management team had a strong emphasis on continuous ¿improvement of the service. An effective and efficient system of monitoring checks and audits ¿identified any improvements that needed to be made and action was taken as a result. Comments ¿included: "The home is superb” and “Highfield is exemplary; a superb place for residents to live.” ¿
People felt safe. There were systems in place to record safeguarding concerns, accidents and ¿incidents and take appropriate action when required. Staff had received safeguarding training ¿and understood their responsibilities to report any unsafe care. There were plans in place to ¿protect and promote people's safety. Recruitment checks were carried out to ensure suitable staff ¿were employed to work at the service. ¿
There were sufficient staff to provide support to people as needed. We also saw staff members ¿could undertake tasks without feeling rushed when supporting people. Staff told us they had time ¿to spend with people; the management team promoted this.¿
We saw that competent staff dispensed medicines, without interruption and at the correct times ¿they should be administered. Staff responsible for assisting people with their medicines had ¿received training to ensure they had the competency and skills required. People told us they ¿always received their medicines at the times they needed them.¿
Staff received training and were knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities. They had ¿the skills, knowledge and experience required to support people with their care and social needs. ¿They were well supported by the management team and had regular one to one supervision and ¿annual appraisals. ¿
Staff demonstrated an awareness of the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ¿associated Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. We observed they had positive relationships with ¿people who lived at the service to support them to have as much freedom as possible.¿
People were supported to access suitable amounts of nutritionally balanced food which met their ¿dietary needs. A variety of meal options were available for people. ¿
Staff worked closely with other health and social care professionals to ensure people's health ¿and well-being needs were fully met. These professionals consistently rated the home as ¿¿‘outstanding’ in questionnaires they had completed. ¿
People received a personalised service which was responsive to their individual needs and there ¿was an emphasis on each person's identity and what was important to them. There was a ¿commitment to ensuring strong links with the community and an emphasis on enhancing ¿people's lives through the provision of meaningful, imaginative activities and opportunities.¿
People felt they could raise concerns and any were taken seriously, investigated and followed up ¿to develop the service.¿