About the service: Dependability Limited is an agency providing personal care to people who lived in their own homes in the community. The agency also provided occupational therapy services to people living in the community. CQC does not regulate or inspect this aspect of the service. At the time of the inspection, 14 people were being supported with personal care (washing, dressing and help to take their medicines). The agency employed eight care workers to provide this care. All the people lived in Hertfordshire. The majority of people were older adults, although some people were under the age of 65 years and had physical disabilities.
This was the only branch of the provider. The director of the company was also the registered manager.
People’s experience of using this service:
The provider did not always ensure the safe management of medicines, because they did not assess the risks associated with these or make sure information about medicines and their administration was clearly recorded.
The provider's systems for improving the quality of the service and mitigating risks were not always operated effectively. This meant that people did not always experience safe or effective care.
There had been improvements in the way in which the provider recruited staff. However, some of the evidence of their suitability had not been obtained until after they started working at the service.
The provider did not always make sure people's consent to care and treatment was evidenced.
The staff had not always completed the training which would give them the knowledge and skills to provide effective care.
People using the service, their representatives and external professionals were happy with the service. They said that it met their needs and they felt safe with the staff. Their needs were described in care plans and these were updated to reflect changes in their needs and circumstances.
There was an emphasis on supporting people to maintain and develop their independence. The agency also provided an occupational therapy service, where they assessed people's needs relating to equipment and mobility. They worked with other healthcare professionals to make sure people had the right support and equipment to gain skills and remain as independent as possible.
People said that the staff were kind, caring and they had good relationships with them. The staff felt supported and said they had the information and support they needed. The staff said they were in regular contact with the registered manager and felt confident about their work.
Rating at this inspection:
We have rated the key questions of, 'is the service safe?', 'is the service effective?' and 'is the service well-led?' as requires improvement. We have rated the key questions of, 'is the service caring?' and 'is the service responsive?' as good. The overall rating of the service is requires improvement.
We found breaches of two of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 relating to safe care and treatment and good governance. You can see what action we have asked the provider to take within our table of actions.
Rating at last inspection:
The last inspection of the service was 4 December 2017 when we rated the service as requires improvement. This was because we found the recruitment of staff was not always carried out safely.
Why we inspected:
We conducted this inspection of the service as part of our planned schedule of inspections based on the previous rating.
Follow up:
We will continue to monitor intelligence we receive about the service until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. We may inspect sooner if we receive any concerning information.