We were not able to speak with all people who used the service because of their complex needs. We spoke with four people and two relatives. All said they were happy with the standard of care and had no complaints about the service. One relative told us they were very grateful to the home as they looked after them as well as their relative by providing them with meals and food to take home as they now lived alone. Both relatives felt the service looked after their relatives well and there were no restrictions on visiting and they stayed as long as they wished. We followed up a compliance action we issued at the last inspection in relation to people's care records and this had been addressed. The registered manager told us about the new computerised care planning format they were looking to implement shortly.
We found people were having their needs met and care staff demonstrated good knowledge of their needs.
A complaints policy and procedure was in place that listed how formal and informal complaints would have been managed.
There was no documented evidence in place for monitoring and auditing of the service. However, the provider explained that he and other members of the management team were at the home daily and they monitored the service provision.