This inspection took place on the 12, 13 & 18 April 2017 and was announced. Bocking Alms Houses provides personal care support for people with a learning disability within a supported living environment across five of the provider’s housing with care schemes across Essex. In a supported living service, people’s accommodation is provided by separate housing providers or landlords, usually on a rental or lease arrangement. In this situation the care people receive is regulated by CQC, but the accommodation is not. At the time of this inspection there were 26 people receiving support with personal care in accommodation at Bocking, Barnes, Tolpuddle and Beehive Lane.
There was a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People told us and relatives confirmed they felt safe from harm and well cared for and supported to develop and maintain their independence. Staff had received training in recognising the signs of abuse and action they should take to safeguard people from the risk of or where they suspected abuse.
There were suitable arrangements to deal with a range of emergencies if needed. Possible risks to people had been identified and guidance was in place to guide staff in steps they should take to mitigate the risk of harm. People received their medicines when they should and staff had received training on the safe administration of medicines.
There was a commitment to ensure people were fully involved and consulted in all aspects of their lives. People and their relatives said staff were caring and kind, and, we observed this to be the case. People were treated with respect and dignity and were involved in decisions about their care. People were asked for their consent before care was provided and staff were aware of their roles and responsibilities with regards to the Mental Capacity Act (2005).
People received effective support from motivated, well trained staff who were knowledgeable about their needs and preferences. There were enough staff to meet people's needs and the provider followed safe recruitment procedures. Staff were supported well and received regular opportunities to discuss their training and development needs.
People's dietary needs were met and their independence was encouraged where this was appropriate and where they needed support this was provided. The service worked with health professionals, when necessary; to ensure people's changing health needs were supported appropriately and responded to when required in a timely manner.
People’s individual needs and preferences had been assessed and implemented in planning their care. People's support plans were person centred. They had up to date information about people, their healthcare, personal care support, likes and dislikes. People were supported to access appropriate health care services to maintain their physical and emotional health with access to a range of health and wellbeing services.
People were encouraged to increase their skills to become independent and provided with a range of suitable activities to encourage social inclusion and develop life skills. The support provided increased confidence and empowered people to achieve their goals.
Complaint procedures were in place and were available in a variety of formats to enable people with varying needs to share their views. People and their relative’s knew how to raise concerns.
The culture of the service was open, inclusive, empowering and enabled people to live as full a life as possible according to their choices, wishes and preferences. The management team provided effective leadership to the service. Staff understood their roles and responsibilities and were well supported by their management team.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service and identify any area for action. The provider consulted with people to ascertain their views through satisfaction surveys and listening events. This meant they actively planned for continuous improvement of the service they provided.