Eveson Road is registered to provide accommodation and personal care to a maximum of two people who lived with a learning disability and/or autistic spectrum disorder. At the time of our inspection two people lived at the home.We found the following examples of good practice.
¿ Visitors were required to wash and sanitise their hands, have their temperature taken and wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
¿ People were supported to maintain contact with relatives through a variety of means, including video calls. Relatives would visit their family member in person in future.
¿ The premises consisted of two separate, self contained living spaces to include, a bedroom, living space, a kitchen and bathroom. This enabled easy social distancing and self isolation if the need arose.
¿ Staff were aware of the safety measures they would need to take for admitting a new person to the home or admitting a person back to the home from hospital.
¿ Stocks of PPE were plentiful. Staff wore face coverings at all times and aprons and gloves when delivering people's personal care.
¿ Staff took a COVID-19 test three times a week and people every 28 days. If people or staff tested positive, they would be required to self-isolate in line with government directives.
¿The environment was clean. Cleaning regimes decreased the risk of infection transmission within the premises.
¿ Staff had received specific COVID-19 prevention and COVID-19 test training. This along with detailed guidance helped to minimise COVID-19 and/or other infection transmissions.