7 February 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During our inspection we spoke with a supporting manager, two staff and the administrative assistant. We spoke with four people who living in the home and looked at records relating to the monitoring of the service.
All the people spoken with told us they were happy with the service provided. One person told us, "Its wonderful (living in the home)." Another person told us, "The staff are lovely." Two staff spoken with confirmed that the home received support from other managers. One member of staff told us that the home was improving "care wise and paper wise". This showed that staff and people living in the home were happy with the running of the home.
The records we looked at showed that there were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service that ensured that people received a service that was safe and where people could make suggestions to improve the service. This showed that there was a system in place that took the views of people into account.