During the inspection we spoke with five people who used the service and asked them about their experiences of living at the care home. We spoke with two relatives. We also spoke with seven staff, including the manager. We observed the care that was given to people. We looked at some of the records held in the service including the care records for four people.During the inspection we gathered information to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people who used the service, their relatives and the staff told us.
If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People who used the service told us they felt safe. One person said, 'I feel safe and secure in here.' Relatives we spoke with also told us they felt their family members were safe.
We observed the care for 20 minutes in the dining room at lunchtime. We saw people received appropriate and safe support.
We looked at the care records for four people who used the service. We saw care plans on many different subjects. These mostly contained detailed information and were centred around people's individual needs. However, we found that some care records were not accurate or not completed when required. We found, for example, that staff were not completing repositioning charts during the day for a person when this was needed.
People who used the service told us they felt that the care home was kept clean. One person said, 'Yes I think the home is very clean. They clean my room every day.'
People who used the service did not raise any concerns about the management of their medication. One person said, 'I always get it on time.' However, we found some discrepancies where information on the medication administration records did not match with the remaining quantity of medication.
We asked the provider to tell us what they would do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to the management of medicines.
The Care Quality Commission monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to care homes. We saw a DoLS policy was in place. The manager also understood their responsibilities regarding DoLS. However, some staff we spoke with did not have an understanding of DoLS.
We found there were enough staff to meet people's needs.
Is the service effective?
People who used the service told us they were happy with the care they received. One person said, 'I do feel safe and looked after.' Relatives were very positive about the care and support their family members received.
Staff generally had a good understanding of the needs of people who we discussed with them.
Is the service caring?
People who used the service told us staff were caring. One person said, 'They [staff] are very caring and they're very friendly.'
Relatives also provided positive feedback regarding this. One relative said, 'I think it is fantastic, the staff really do care.'
We saw that staff communicated warmly with people as they supported them and staff were caring and kind.
Is the service responsive?
A relative told us the service was responsive and staff involved other agencies regarding their family member's care.
We saw that staff responded to people's needs in a timely manner. When it became apparent that one person using the service was becoming distressed, staff quickly intervened to support them.
We saw that staff took prompt action to involve healthcare professionals in people's care and treatment when this was required. We saw a letter from a dietician with recommendations made regarding a person who used the service. The letter had included information about the appropriate amount of fluid each day. However, this information was not reflected in the eating and drinking care plan.
We asked the provider to tell us what they would do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to records.
Is the service well-led?
Three people who used the service told us they felt the service was well-led. One person said, 'I think it's a good service.' However, we found that the systems in place to regularly assess and to manage risks relating to the health, welfare and safety of people who used the service were not always effective.
We asked the provider to tell us what they would do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to assessing and monitoring the quality of the service provision.