We were not able to talk to all the people whose care we looked at because some of those people had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us about their experiences. We observed some care and also staff planning care for some people. We saw that non verbal communication was used by staff where this helped to calm people's anxieties. We found that people's care needs were assessed and reviewed and care was delivered in line with people's care plans. One person said, "The staff I find they are good- this is better for me."
We found people were supported to maintain their independence. One person said, "I get six hours a day to go out, I am not watched all the time. I go to my mother's and the bingo."
We found people required support with taking medication and this was safely handled.
We found that the management team had increased since our last visit and sufficient numbers of staff were on duty. One person said about staff, "He is very good (name) we get on very well. I feel satisfied here. I get checked every hour." Records showed and staff confirmed that they were supported by supervision and training.
The provider had systems in place for seeking the views of staff and the people who lived at the service, some of which were still to be gathered.
We found that the records were securely stored, the majority were well maintained and all were accessible to staff as and when they required them.