We undertook an inspection of this service because we had received some information from an anonymous source that raised concerns regarding the cleanliness of one piece of equipment and the short appointment time to provide treatment. We spoke with four people who were attending the service at the time of our visit. None of these people raised any concerns about the cleanliness of equipment or length of treatment times. We also spoke with the practice manager, two dentists two dental nurses and a dental hygienist to gain their views.
When we visited we saw that people were being respected by staff and they were able to speak with staff and discuss issues which helped to protect their rights. People we spoke with said that they received a good service from the dental practice. They all said that they felt they were treated well by the receptionists, nurses, dentists and hygienist. People we spoke with confirmed that they had consented to their dental treatments which they said had been explained to them. One person said 'My dentist listens to me. I agree with my treatment and sign for it. The frequency of treatment is discussed'. Another person said 'Everyone including the receptionist is extremely helpful. My confidentiality is maintained. I am very comfortable speaking to the staff. They go the extra mile above and beyond the call of duty'. No one we spoke with raised any concerns in relating to the length of their appointment time.
People we spoke with were satisfied with the cleanliness of the surgery and the equipment used there. People said they were protected from unhygienic practice. We saw that infection control measures were in place. One person said 'My dentist used clean equipment and gloves. Everything is spotless".