People who use the service and their family members told us that staff were very good at respecting their privacy and dignity. They told us they had been involved in discussions about their care and were always able to ask questions and were provided with thorough explanations in response. They said they had been provided with lots of information in relation to the service and their care. They told us they felt their independence was respected and encouraged by staff and that they were given choices in relation to their care. People told us they had a series of meetings with staff before starting their care and this included an assessment of their needs and a review of their personal and medical histories. They said that staff were very aware of their needs and how to meet them and this was monitored regularly by the care manager.
People said they felt safe being cared for by Home Instead Senior Care staff who were respectful, friendly and patient. They said the possessions in their homes had never been interfered with by staff. They told us that staff appeared qualified and well trained in supporting them and were always able to do what they required of them. They felt that staff were well supervised by the care manager. They said that they were always able to contact the care manager who was very quick to respond to any suggestions and requests although at no point had they needed to raise any concerns about the service. People who use the service were aware of completing questionnaires asking for their views on the care provided, the service and the staff.
One person summarised his experience with Home Instead Senior Care by saying: 'I'm not sure how I would've coped without Home Instead. They have become like friends and I am very happy'. Another person said: 'I would have no hesitation in recommending Home Instead. [They are] very accommodating and show a 100% understanding of [people] which means an awful lot'.