29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
We spoke with eight people on the telephone. Everyone we spoke with gave us positive feedback about their experiences.
One person told us, 'I have never had a bad crew. The staff are professional, I feel safe with them'. Another person told us, 'The staff are friendly and helpful. They make sure that I am back in my home safely'.
We looked at two vehicles and found that they were clean, maintained and ready to use. We saw that systems were in place for the cleaning and maintenance of vehicles which ensured people's safety.
We found that recruitment procedures had not always been robust. This placed people that used the service at risk of harm.
Staff had not received all the training and support needed to ensure that they maintained the required skills and knowledge to meet people's needs and keep them safe.
The provider had systems in place to monitor the service but these had not always been effective.