We inspected ABC Dental to look at the care and treatment provided to people who used the service. During our inspection we spoke with four patients who had used the service, two members of staff and one dentist. We observed one treatment session and looked at a sample of patient record cards. All of the patients we spoke with were very happy with the practice. One person told us 'Very good, charming and professional.'
People told us that treatment was discussed with them and they were included in any decisions about their treatment.
Medical histories were reviewed with each person before they received treatment and oral health advice was given when appropriate. People told us they were able to get treatment when they needed it, for example in the case of an emergency.
We saw that the practice was clean and well maintained. All of the patients we spoke with were satisfied with the standard of cleanliness in the surgery.
We saw that staff records, criminal record checks and professional registrations were up to date and the provider had a robust recruitment procedure.
The patients we spoke with had never felt the need to complain but felt they could speak to the staff with any concerns they had.