Updated 27 April 2018
The Healing Health Centre, Wisteria Drive, Healing, Grimsby, DN41 7JB is situated in the rural village of Healing west to the town of Grimsby. The practice provides services under a Personal Medical Services (PMS) contract with NHS England, North East Lincolnshire Area Team. The practice list size of 2,211 is predominantly white British background with 1% of mixed race.
The practice has one full time GP partner who is male. There is one advanced nurse practitioner (locum), one practice nurse and one health care assistant. The practice is also supported by a practice manager (who is the registered manager) and a team of secretarial, administration and reception staff.
The practice is open between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday. The practice is open for late appointments on a Tuesday until 7.30pm.
The proportion of the practice population in the 0-4 years age group is lower than the England average. The practice population in the under 18 years age group is similar to the England average. The practice scored nine on the deprivation measurement scale. The deprivation scale goes from one to ten, with one being the most deprived. People living in more deprived areas tend to have greater need for health services. The overall practice deprivation score is better than the England average, the practice is 12.1 and the England average is 23.6.
The practice, along with all other practices in the North East Lincolnshire CCG area have a contractual agreement for NHS 111 service to provide Out of Hours (OOHs) services from 6:30pm to 8am. This has been agreed with the NHS England area team. When the practice is closed, patients use the NHS 111 service to contact the OOHs provider. Information for patients requiring urgent medical attention out of hours is available in the waiting area, in the practice information leaflet and on the practice website. The practice website can be accessed at www.healinghealthcentre.nhs.uk