11 December 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw that staff were being supported by the management team by way of formal supervisions and training was delivered to enable them to do their job safely. We spoke with two people who were using the service and with three relatives. All of the people we spoke with gave positive feedback about the staff delivering care and support. One person told us, 'The staff know what they are doing. They are brilliant.' I know they receive training and it is clear they know exactly what they are doing.'
The provider had systems in place to gain the views of people using the service and to monitor the quality of the service provided. One person told us, 'I get calls from the office to see if I am happy with everything and if any changes are needed. I can call the office anytime but I don't really need to.' Another person said, 'They [office staff] call me periodically to check on how things are going.
Records kept were accurate and fit for purpose. The two people using the service who we spoke with told us they had access to their care records and that staff always completed documentation when they visited.