During our inspection we spoke with nine patients and collected surveys from four outpatients who were attending the diagnostic and treatment centre in the outpatient department on the day of our inspection. We spoke with three staff and the hospital matron. We visited two wards and looked at eight care records and other documentation. We made observations throughout our visit.
From survey results and talking with people, most people said that they were treated with respect and dignity. People told us 'Staff are very good' and 'They always respect you.' However, two people raised concerns about the attitude of some staff, which the Trust responded to immediately and confirmed actions they had taken introduce more training and supervision.
Most people felt they were involved in their care plan and spoke positively about care that they had received. We were told by one patient 'I feel informed' in relation to their care plan. Another patient said 'They always tell me what they are doing.'
We saw that staff received regular safeguarding training and staff were supported with regular appraisal and training. Development opportunities were in place, including an innovative scheme to support people with memory problems.
There were systems in place to ensure patient quality and safety. We saw that outpatients were able to rate their visit, however, complaint information was not always given to patients, so they may not have known how to complain if they needed to.