10 July 2018
During a routine inspection
The service had a registered manager at the time of our inspection visit. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Eyam Domiciliary Service Ltd was previously registered with CQC at a different address, where they were inspected and rated as Good in February 2016. This report relates to the first inspection of the service at this current address.
People were supported with their personal care in ways which kept them safe. Risks to people's safety from their health conditions and environment were identified and mitigated. Appropriate measures were put in place to minimise the risk of avoidable harm, whilst promoting independence. Staff knew how to identify if people were at risk of abuse and were confident to report concerns. People's medicines were managed safely.
People and relatives were happy with staff who provided personal care. People had enough staff to support them at the times they needed. Staff were knowledgeable about people's care needs. The provider acted to ensure that staff were suitable to work with people before they provided care. Staff were trained, supervised and supported to provide people's care.
People's personal care needs were assessed and provided in line with current legislation and nationally recognised guidelines. Staff had the skills, experience and knowledge to meet people’s individual needs. The provider supported staff to work alongside health and social care professionals to ensure people’s needs were assessed and met effectively. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
People were involved in planning and reviewing their care. Their care was tailored to meet their individual needs and wishes. People were supported in ways which promoted respect, their dignity, and independence. People, relatives, and staff felt able to raise concerns or suggestions in relation to the quality of care. The provider had a complaints procedure to ensure that any issues with quality of care were addressed.
The service was well-led. Everyone we spoke with was positive about the way the service was managed. The provider promoted an open and inclusive culture within the service, and staff had clear guidance on the standards of care expected of them. The provider had systems to monitor the quality of the service provided and ensured people received safe and effective care. This included seeking and responding to feedback from people to inform the standard of care. Checks were undertaken on all aspects of personal care provision so that action could be taken to improve the quality of the service.