We learned that people who used the service had their needs properly assessed and treatment planned appropriately, with people being involved in the process from start to finish. We judged that good levels of care were being provided.People were given information about their care and treatment. They were supported and encouraged to manage their condition to maintain independence where possible. However we found that the consent forms were not dated and signed by both the provider and the person who used the service.
Staff were well supported and induction, regular supervision and regular appraisals were in place. Staff had the opportunity to gain further qualifications and to keep their training up to date. This enabled them to provide a good level of care, in line with current guidance.
When we visited, we found that the premises were clean and tidy and adequate facilities were in place for staff and people who used the service.
The provider regularly undertook satisfaction surveys and sought feedback from people who used the service to monitor the quality of the care being provided, however, we found the provider to be using policies and procedures from other organisations. These were not always relevant or appropriate to this service.