We received many positive comments about the service and all the people we spoke with told us they would not hesitate to recommend it. One person's advocate told us, 'Freshfields is the best thing that ever happened to my friend. I've never had a problem in twenty years and the staff are friendly, capable and very able'. Another person's advocate reported, 'I've never seen anything that gives me concern, I'm very impressed by all aspects of the service'. One GP who knew the service well described it as, 'Excellent'. She went onto say, 'I was up there just last week, and they were so organised with getting X (person who used the service) to an emergency appointment and in organising her PEG feed (an artificial form of feeding). They knew so much about her and how to cope'. A visiting dietician reported, 'They are a dream from my point of view: things are always well documented and everything we've asked them to do, they've done'.
Although none of the people living at the home could communicate easily, we saw that they were settled, happy and occupied. We saw that staff interactions with people were inclusive and appropriate and people's individual wishes were respected. Throughout our visit staff worked hard to promote people's independence and maintain their dignity.
All evidence indicated that this was good service and we noted that all improvements actions we suggested following out last visit had been acted upon by staff.