2 May 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service: People and relatives told us they had a positive experience in respect of the care and support they received. They told us they received support from staff in a timely way and were not kept waiting for assistance.
We saw people looked comfortable in the presence of staff and people told us they felt safe at the home. Staff were knowledgeable about potential risks to people and were able to tell us how these would be minimised.
People were supported by staff who were caring and expressed empathy and compassion towards people who lived at the home. We saw staff consistently respected people and promoted their privacy, dignity and independence.
People received effective person-centred care and support at the point this was provided and based on their individual needs and preferences. Staff were knowledgeable about people’s needs and preferences and the staff fostered good relationships with the people. Some people’s records needed improvement to reflect people’s involvement and how the person-centred care we saw was planned. The provider was aware of this with plans underway to revise all care plans.
People were supported by care staff who had a range of skills and knowledge to meet their needs. Staff understood their role, felt confident and well supported. Staff received supervision and felt well supported by the provider. People's health was supported as staff worked with other health care providers to ensure their health needs were met.
People were supported by staff to have choices, and the provider’s policies supported this practice. There was a lack of evidence of people’s involvement or that of appropriate persons in do not resuscitate agreements where these were completed by external professionals without the provider’s involvement. These needed reviews to ensure these decisions were in the person’s best interests.
We saw staff responded to people’s needs effectively and their preferences were known and respected by staff.
People and their representatives knew how to complain. Staff knew how to identify and respond if people were unhappy with the service. People were able to communicate how they felt to staff, and said staff were approachable and listened to what they had to say. Relatives told us when they had raised concerns these had been addressed appropriately.
People, relatives and staff gave a positive picture as to the quality of care people received and said management and staff were approachable.
Quality monitoring systems were in place, and the provider had used external professionals to carry out audits to assist them in identifying how to improve the service, and people’s experience. The provider was very clear with us the service needed to improve but had identified what most of these improvements were, and had a clear improvement agenda in place. The provider told us changes were being made, with evidence of this seen, but was ensuring the pace of change allowed people and staff to be involved so changes were successful and sustainable.
Rating at last inspection: The rating at our last inspection was ‘Requires Improvement’ (report published 18/05/18).
Why we inspected: This was a scheduled inspection based on the previous rating for the service.