27 February 2014
During a routine inspection
People's treatment was based on their assessed need, planned and discussed with them. People told us that they were given clear information that enabled them to make informed choices about their treatment options including the costs. People told us that their privacy and dignity was maintained and staff put them at ease. One person told us, "I feel I can choose on the treatment that is right for me."
People received their treatment in a clean, hygienic environment. The dental practice had arrangements in place for the management of infection control. Staff were confident in procedures that were effective in ensuring people were not placed at risk of cross infection.
People were very complimentary about the staff who worked at the dental practice. They considered staff were competent to safely and effectively carry out their work. One person told us, "The staff put me at ease." Staff confirmed they had attended training courses appropriate to their work and to meet the requirement of their professional registration.
Information was available should people want to make a complaint. People said they had not had the cause to complain but were confident any concerns raised would be listened to and addressed.