We considered all the evidence we gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask. Below is a summary of what we found. If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.Is the service safe?
There were good reporting systems to record incidents. Essential training for staff was being completed and the service had processes in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies. However patients and staff were not always safe. There were not effective systems to ensure and record that identified vehicle defects were repaired.
Is the service effective?
Staff received work based appraisal and informal supervision opportunities. However patient transport services were not always effective because outcomes for patients were affected by lack of timeliness. 27% of patients arrived too early or too late for their treatments or appointments during the month of September.
Is the service caring?
The majority of patients and other health providers told us ambulance crews were caring and treated patients with dignity and respect.
Is the service responsive?
Ambulance staff responded to the individual needs of patients. However the provider did not consistently learn from and take action on complaints and concerns.
Is the service well led?
Many elements of the service were well led. However, there was need for improvement in the management of complaints and the documentation process for maintenance and repair of vehicles.