What life is like for people using this service: People told us they felt safe receiving support from the service. The provider ensured that risks were assessed and minimised to ensure that people received safe care and support. People received safe support with their medicines from appropriately trained staff. Staff could recognise signs and symptoms of different types of abuse and would not hesitate to report concerns to the registered manager.
Peoples needs were assessed before their care commenced and care plans were regularly reviewed to reflect appropriate and chosen person-centred care. Staff received supervision from the registered manager and team meetings were held and documented for staff who were unable to attend. Staff received regular training updates following a comprehensive induction. Staff were aware of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and assumed people had capacity unless assessed as not.
Staff spoke of people they supported with respect and affection and people told us they felt cared for and respected. People were supported to maintain their independence and staff supported them to complete tasks they were unable to complete themselves. Care plans considered how best to communicate with people, especially those who were non-verbal. Staff ensured they obtained consent before providing support to people.
The service had received no formal complaints however people told us they would either speak to their support worker or phone the registered manager and any concerns would be addressed immediately. Staff told us they felt comfortable when supporting someone at the end of their life and that they were supported by the registered manager when they did so.
We received positive feedback about the registered manager and their team of support workers. There was an audit system in place and the provider ensured they remained current in their knowledge of social care. People told us they would recommend the service to friends and relatives.
Support Carers Limited met the characteristics of Good in all areas, more information is in the full report.
Rating at last inspection: Support Carers Ltd were rated Good at their last inspection, (published 30 December 2015). In August 2017 The Care Quality Commission (CQC) re-registered the provider at their new business address. There has not been any change in ownership of Support Carers Limited, just an adjustment to the business address. As there has not been any change of ownership or leadership, this report references the last report published about the service. When we published the last inspection report we found the provider to be in breach of one of the regulations. We checked to see if improvements had been met and found the provider was no longer in breach of regulations.
About the service: Support Carers Ltd is a domiciliary care agency that provides personal care to people living in their own homes in the community. When we inspected they were providing support to 55 people.
Why we inspected: This is a scheduled/planned inspection based on the service being registered at their current address for one year.
Follow up: We will follow up on this inspection as per our re-inspection programme, and through ongoing monitoring of information received about the service.