29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People told us about the current activities they were involved with and events they had individually and jointly participated in the previous year. People told us about how staff supported them individually to manage in their home, with leisure activities and in accessing education.
We sampled two care records and found the provider regularly assessed reviewed and monitored the quality of care it provided to identify and manage risks related to the health, welfare and safety of the people using the service. We noted that the manager was in regular contact with people using the service/and or their relatives and any feedback was responded to promptly.
The provider protected people from abuse or the risk of abuse. We spoke with two staff and the manager. They were knowledgeable about safeguarding adults at risk and in accessing the local authority safeguarding policies and procedures.
We observed from the two staff records we sampled that staff were skilled and experienced in providing the level of care required, had received appropriate training and had regular supervision.