16 December 2016
During a routine inspection
We inspected this service on 16 December 2016. The inspection was unannounced.
There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Systems were in place to manage risks to people using the service and staff. Assessments were in place which gave staff clear direction as to what action they needed to take to minimise risk. These included safeguarding matters and the security arrangements for gaining access to a person’s home and lone working.
Staff do not currently administer people’s prescribed medicines, other than topical medicines such as creams and ointments. There was no proper record kept to reflect that these had been administered in line with the prescribing instruction. We recommend that a proper record of all medicines administered to people by staff should be kept in accordance with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society guidance: The Handling of Medicines in Social Care.
People’s scheduled visits were consistently provided at the time they wanted them, and staff arrived on time. People received care and support that met their needs. They were involved in determining the kind of care and support they needed and were helped to retain their independence. People had sufficient amounts to eat and drink and were supported to access health care professionals, when they needed them.
Staff had a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These safeguards protect the rights of adults who used the service. This is by ensuring that if there are restrictions on their freedom and liberty these were assessed by professionals who considered whether the restriction is appropriate and needed.
A thorough recruitment and selection process was in place. This ensured staff recruited had the right skills and experience, and were suitable to work with people who used the service. Staff knew the care needs of the people they supported well. This was because staff had received training that gave them the skills and knowledge to meet people’s specific needs.
Staff felt supported by the management team and felt there was good leadership in the service. Staff were clear about the vision and values of the service as set out in the staff code of conduct. These referred to providing a service where people were empowered and treated with dignity, respect and equality.
Systems were in place to assess, monitor and further develop the quality of the service. This included obtaining and acting on feedback from people using the service, relatives, staff and other professionals. Arrangements were in place to respond to concerns and complaints.