Highmarket House accommodates up to 73 people in one adapted building. The service supports olderpeople and younger adults with a range of conditions and includes support for people living with dementia. At the time of the inspection there were 38 people using the service.
We found the following examples of good practice.
Entry to the building was well managed, visitors temperatures were taken and identities recorded.
The management of waste PPE (personal protective equipment) was safe and well organised.
Robust cleaning schedules were clearly displayed for staff and conducted by an excellent housekeeping team.
We were assured that this service met good infection prevention and control guidelines as a designated care setting.
The provider worked closely with the registered manager to ensure safety of people living at the service.
They would only allow a new admission after a confirmed negative result of the Covid-19 test of a person.
For people living with dementia, social distancing was difficult. However, staff had taken steps that supported people with social distancing where ever possible.
The management were aware of zoning guidelines and had implemented them effectively where practicable.
The provider ensured there was a sufficient stock of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the vetted
supplier ensured it complied with the quality standards. Staff had infection control training and understood the correct donning and doffing procedure.
People were supported by a stable and committed team of staff whom they knew well. This helped people to recognize the individual staff with the need to wear face masks.
Staff were well supported and praised the management team, comments included; "We are looked after and supported by the management.”
The provider considered risks and impact of the inspection on the individual staff members, this included around their health conditions as well as their caring responsibilities.
Regular testing for Covid-19 had recently been introduced for both people living at the service and the staff.
There was a comprehensive contingency plan what to do in case of an outbreak and this plan had been successfully implemented.
The provider ensured people's relatives were able to get in touch with people, for example by using
Further information is in the detailed findings below.